Derek Chauvin net worth

According to the latest update of February 16, 2023, Derek Chauvin net worth is 0.8 US Million dollars.

Derek Chauvin was an American Minneapolis Police Department, Military officer. 

Today in this article, We also discuss Derek Chauvin’s full life, including his biography, age, marital status, lifestyle, family background, wife, children, source of income, salary, career, personal life, and total net worth in 2023. 

People asked many questions about Derek Chauvin Lifestyle and his net worth. 

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Who is Derek Chauvin?

Derek Chauvin was an American Minneapolis Police Department, Military officer. Derek Chauvin was also member of the Military officer.

Derek Chauvin was born 0n March 19, 1976 in Minneapolis, Minnesota, the United state of America. Derek Chauvin was around 46 years old.

Derek Chauvin Biography

Name  Derek Chauvin
Full name  Derek Chauvin
Nickname  Darek 
Marital status  Married 
Gender  Male  
Date of birth  March 19, 1976
Age  Around 46 years old
Birth place  Minneapolis, Minnesota, the united state of America
Nationality  The united state of America 
Profection  Police officer 

Derek Chauvin early life

On March 19, 1976 Derek Chauvin was born in Minneapolis, Minnesota, the United state of America. Derek Chauvin was around 46 years old.

His mother was a stay-at-home mom, she was a house wife and his father was a public accounts officer. His parents divorced when he was seven years old and were given shared custody.

In 2006, Derek Chauvin earned a degree in law enforcement. He had previously worked for McDonald’s as a prep cook. 

Derek Chauvin attended Park High School in Minnesota, where he graduated with merely a general education diploma. He spent over ten years in the American Army. 

Derek Chauvin attended Inver Hills Community College from 1995 to 1999 before transferring to Metropolitan State University, where he earned his law enforcement bachelor’s degree in 2006. In 2001, he began working for the Minneapolis Police Department. 

Derek Chauvin has many three bid degrees including first-degree unintentional murder, second-degree manslaughter, and Third-degree murder were the three offenses on which Derek received a sentence.

Derek Chauvin Career 

Between 1996 and 2004, Derek Chauvin served in the United States Army Reserve, and from 1996 to 2000 he served in the military. 

As a member of MPD, he began working in 2001. After graduating from Metropolitan State University in 2006, he went on to earn a bachelor’s degree in law enforcement. 

As well as working as a police officer, Derek worked as a cook for a few years. Afterwards, he became a police officer until May 28th, 2020.

Achieve degrees 

Derek Chauvin has many three bid degrees.

Third-degree murder, second-degree manslaughter, and second-degree unintentional murder were the three offenses on which Derek received a sentence. 

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Derek Chauvin net worth last 4 year updates 

                Years      Total net worth 
Derek Chauvin Net Worth in 2023 0.8 Million us dollars  
Derek Chauvin Net Worth in 2022 0.6 Million us dollars 
Derek Chauvin Net Worth in 2021 0.5 Million us dollars 
Derek Chauvin Net Worth in 2020 0.45 Million us dollars 

Social media account 

Derek Chauvin per month salary

Derek Chauvin’s salary is 17741 US dollars.

Derek Chauvin per year income

Derek Chauvin’s per year income is 92480 US dollars.

Recently asked question 

Derek Chauvin Estimating net worth?

Derek Chauvin Estimating net worth is $20 Million in 2023. 

How is Derek Chauvin?

Derek Chauvin was an American Minneapolis Police Department, Military officer. Derek Chauvin was also member of the Military officer.

How many years old is Derek Chauvin?

Derek Chauvin was born 0n March 19, 1976 in Minneapolis, Minnesota, the United state of America. Derek Chauvin was around 46 years old.

Is Derek Chauvin married?

Derek Chauvil is married and his wife’s name is Carol Kellie.

How many children of Derek Chauvin?

Derek Chauvil has no children but his Carol Kellie has two childreen in his ex. husband.

What is the nickname of  Derek Chauvin?

Drek is the nickname of Derek Chauvin and he is famous for his nickname.


Drek is the nickname of Derek Chauvin and he is famous for his nickname. Derek Chauvin was an American Minneapolis Police Department, Military officer. Derek Chauvin was also member of the Military officer.

At the end: All net worths are determined using information obtained from open sources. We also take into account any unpublished advice and criticism the celebrities or their agents have given us. 

While we make every effort to ensure that our data are as accurate as possible, they are merely approximations unless otherwise stated. Please use the button below to send us any corrections or feedback.