Linda Tripp net worth


According to the update of February 6, 2023, Linda Tripp net worth is USD 40 Million.


Linda Tripp was a former American civil servant and politician.

Today, We also discuss Linda Tripp’s life and net worth, including her biography, age, height, weight, marital status, lifestyle, source of income, salary, career, personal life, alive or dead, and personal life. 

People asked many questions about Linda Tripp and his net worth. Linda Tripp is a famous civil servant and politician. Linda Tripp’s net worth is 40 Million dollars.

If you want more information about Linda Tripp, read my article.

Linda Tripp net worth

Who is Linda Tripp?


Linda Tripp is a famous civil servant and politician.

Linda Tripp is a famous and well-known for revealing the Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky scandal in 1998, one of the biggest presidential scandals in American history.

Her dreams and ambitions drove her forward. The work she did and the dreams she aspired to were equally hardworking and dedicated to her.

Biography and early life of Linda Trip 

Linda Trip’s full name is Linda Rose Tripp. Linda trip was born in November 1949 in the famous city of Jersey City, New Jersey, in the united state of America.

Linda Trip passed his early school life at Hanover Park High School. 

In 1968 Linda Trip completed high school graduation at Hanover high school.

Linda Tripp died in 2020.

Name  Linda Trip 
Full name  Linda Rose Tripp
Nickname  Linda 
Date of birth  1949
Gander  Female 
Birth place  Jersey City, New Jersey, 
Nationality  The united state of America 
Perforation  civil servant, and politician
total net worth in 2023  40 million dollar USA


In 1991, Linda’s life changed forever when a friend told her about a job opening in the White House’s secretarial pool.

 George H.W. Bush was president at the time, and she landed the job for $45,000 per year.

In 1993, Bill Clinton assumed the presidency, but she held onto her position.

 On the other hand, Clinton did not become too fond of her, and her respect for him slowly dwindled.

Linda trip book

  1. Crisis of character
  2. A vast conspiracy 
  3. The Starr report
  4. Diana 
  5. Contempt

Where does Linda Tripp alive

Linda Trip’s full name is Linda Rose Tripp. Linda trip was born in November 1949 in the famous city of Jersey City, New Jersey, in the united state of America.

Linda Tripp is not alive, she died in 2020.

Linda`s Tripp net worth 

In February 2023, Linda Tripp net worth was USD 40 Million.

Linda Tripp net worth last 6 years updates 

Linda Tripp`s Net Worth in 2023 $40 Million
Linda Tripp`s Net Worth in 2022 $25 Million
Linda Tripp`s Net Worth in 2021 $18 Million
Linda Tripp`s Net Worth in 2020 $15 Million
Linda Tripp`s Net Worth in 2019 $10 Million
Linda Tripp`s Net Worth in 2018  $8 Million

Linda Tripp’s net per month income

Linda Tripp’s salary is 20000 US dollars.

Linda Tripp’s net per year income

Linda Tripp’s per year income is 450000 million US dollars.


How much is Linda Tripp in 2023?

 On February 1, 2023, Linda Tripp’s net worth was USD 40 Million.

How many children of Linda Tripp?

Linda Tripp has two children.

  1. Ryan Tripp
  2. Allison Tripp
Linda Tripp’s husband’s name?

Linda tripp’s wife ‘s name is Dieter Rausuch.

Dieter Rausch is a star husband. Dieter Rausch is legendary as an architect and supervisor of ‘The Christmas Sleigh.’

How did Linda Tripp make her money?

As a result of the public coverage of the political scandal, Lewinsky gained international celebrity status. She subsequently engaged in various ventures that included designing a line of handbags under her name, serving as an advertising spokesperson for a diet plan, and working as a television personality.


Linda Tripp is a famous civil servant and politician. 

Linda Tripp is famous and well-known for revealing the Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky scandal in 1998, one of the biggest presidential scandals in American history.

Her dreams and ambitions drove her forward. The work she did and the dreams she aspired to were equally hardworking and dedicated to her.